Our Mission
Our mission is to bring the best quality pet products and nutrition to your family. At Doodle Dogs we don't want you to have to worry about how your products were sourced, how they're manufactured or if they will be harmful for your pet. We ask the tough questions and source with integrity so you just have to show up, shop and spoil your pet.
Our Food:
We have a strong belief in dogs and cats' biological make up and their need for species-appropriate diets. Meat forward kibbles are what we focus on followed by air dried, freeze-dried, wet, fresh and raw. We do not choose to have 200 different brands of kibble in our store to allow the best options and freshest products available.
We look for brands that have integrity in their sourcing, their lack of corn and rice and foods that allow for meat to be the primary focus.
At Doodle Dogs raw and fresh are we believe are best. We believe every pet owner should have the right to choose for their family, lifestyle, and budget what they would like their pet to eat. After all, your pet doesn't have a say in the matter. Your breeder, your vet, even us aren't the be all end all for your decision making so ask questions, do your research and choose a food offering that works for you.
We do not stock anything made by MARS or Nestlé as we personally do not believe their pet specialty branches focus on quality, sourcing or transparency.
We do not nor will we ever sell dogs or any other animals.
Customer Service is at the forefront of all that we do. If we have made an error or need to ensure your overall satisfaction we will always go above and beyond to do so. If you are out of line with us, our staff or asking for something outside of our written policies you will be asked to find another pet store to service your needs.