Kibble and Raw Food mixed

The Perfect Blend: Mixing Raw and Kibble for a Healthier Pup

At Doodle Dogs, we're dedicated to enhancing the well-being of our furry companions. Providing our dogs with the best nutrition is a top priority. One emerging approach gaining popularity among pet enthusiasts is the combination of raw and kibble diets (YES!! this is scientifically proven to be OK, eventhough there is much misinformation on the web about it).

In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages of blending raw/fresh and kibble food for your dog and offer essential guidelines for a balanced diet.

Understanding the Raw Diet

A raw diet for dogs consists of uncooked, natural ingredients like meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables. Advocates of raw feeding argue that it closely resembles a dog's ancestral diet, offering numerous potential health benefits:

  1. Improved Digestion: Raw diets are often easier to digest due to high-quality protein sources, potentially leading to reduced digestive issues, firmer stools, and less gas.

  2. Enhanced Skin and Coat: Many pet owners who choose raw diets report shinier coats and healthier skin in their furry friends. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can contribute to a lustrous coat.

  3. Increased Energy Levels: Some dogs on raw diets exhibit higher energy levels and increased vitality, thanks to balanced nutrition and the absence of artificial additives.

  4. Better Dental Health: Chewing on raw bones can naturally clean teeth and gums, reducing the risk of dental problems.

Understanding the Kibble/Processed Diet

Kibble is a convenient, balanced dry food option, preferred by many pet owners for its ease of storage, affordability, and extended shelf life. Commercial kibble is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of dogs and comes in various flavors for specific life stages.

The Benefits of Combining Raw and Kibble

Mixing raw and kibble offers the best of both worlds and assists with budget and lifestyle:

  1. Nutritional Balance: Combining raw and kibble ensures a well-rounded diet. Raw provides natural nutrients and enzymes for digestion, while kibble fills in nutritional gaps where required.

  2. Convenience: Raw diets can be time-consuming to prepare. By adding kibble, you simplify meal prep without compromising your dog's health.

  3. Cost-Effective: Raw feeding can be costly due to premium ingredients. Mixing it with kibble can help manage costs while providing high-quality nutrition.

  4. Transitioning: If you're transitioning your dog to a raw diet, mixing it with their current kibble eases the process and reduces digestive upset risks.

Safety First: Tips for Mixing Raw and Kibble

To ensure safe mixing and minimal digestive upset:

  1. Choose Quality Products: Invest in premium raw food (ideally AAFCO or NRC Balanced) and kibble without artificial additives or fillers.

  2. Maintain Hygiene: Handle raw food carefully to prevent contamination. Wash your hands and clean food bowls thoroughly.

  3. Monitor Your Dog: Keep an eye on your dog's health and adjust the mix as needed. Some dogs may thrive on a 50/50 mix, while others may require different ratios. A great start is to take 50% of the daily recommended serving of both formats and use that as a starting place.

  4. Watch the Weight (and the poop): 50/50 is a guideline. If weight is lost or gained you will need to adjust. If you are seeing digestive upset - we suggest a dry meal in AM and a fresh food meal in PM. Over this time, the gut health will increase and get more resilient to the change, allowing for more mixing with time.. be patient... Pumpkin can be added to assist and of course, a good probiotic (we love Adored Beast) will never go astray.


Combining raw and kibble diets offers optimal nutrition and health benefits for your dog while maintaining convenience and affordability. Prioritize your pet's well-being, consult your veterinarian, and choose quality products. Visit Doodle Dogs for a range of raw and kibble options. Let us help you create the perfect diet for your four-legged family member.