The Doodle Blog

The Importance of Omega Oils in dog food.

The Importance of Omega Oils in dog food.

Omegas for Dogs – the benefits of fats!

Omega fatty acids, or as we know them, omegas, are essential fatty acids and we are going to focus on the top two – Omega-3 and Omega-6.   There is in fact, a third omega .. Omega-9.  However, studies have shown that increased amounts of this fatty acid can decrease the efficacy of the Omega-3 and Omega 6. 

Winter Coats at Doodle Dogs - Made to Fit

Winter Coats at Doodle Dogs - Made to Fit

We at Doodle Dogs have various makes and styles of coats.  Some of our known name brands are :  Hurtta, Marcus, Ruffwear and Chilly Dogs.  Not only do we carry coats, we also carry pants and head muffs (hats!).   Pretty much anything to keep our four-legged wonders warm and ready to tackle those walks they (we) love to take !